Dr. Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall with Megan (demonstrating a pose) at a Yoga for Osteoporosis teacher training.

Dr. Loren Fishman and Ellen Saltonstall with Megan (demonstrating a pose) at a Yoga for Osteoporosis teacher training.

Osteoporosis Yoga

Yoga is effective for osteoporosis!  According to Dr. Loren Fishman, a pioneer in using yoga to treat osteoporosis:

Bones are weakened to the breaking point by hereditary, hormonal, metabolic and nutritional factors. Exercise plays an inestimably large part in our bones’ strength and even their shape.  Although they are sometimes necessary, the medications have serious side-effects.  We recommend our yoga program, that can be done safely by even quite debilitated people. The peer-review published results of 741 patients followed over a 10 year period show that it improves bone mineral density in every-two-year follow-up studies.

Megan is certified by Dr. Fishman to teach Yoga for Osteoporosis. She has assisted him in his Yoga for Osteoporosis teacher trainings.  Megan has taught individuals with osteoporosis weekly for more than six years and has seen her students gain bone mass, strength and confidence.